Saturday, March 17, 2012

Simple duct tape flower!

what you need...
scirossers, duct tape,flat surface and rulers!

Begin by cutting 3 pieces of tape about 14 inches long each. Also cut one circle, as big as you can using the entire width of the tape.

Fold the three pieces of tape almost in half — be sure to leave a sticky edge of about an 1/8th of an inch on each strip. Next, cut the folded strips of tape along the folded side every 1/4″ or so. The last strip can be cut every 1/8″.

Place circle sticky side up. Start by sticking folded duct tape strip sticky edge down around the outside edge of the circle.
Continue sticking strip until the end of strip.
Begin with next strip, each round moving toward the center of circle.
Continue sticking strips.

Roll the end of the last strip and stick into the center of the flower.


Credit to -
                                           <from: j>


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